期间,袁小陆教授一行拜见了英国翻译家、西安翻译学院客座教授James Trapp. 他向James Trapp再次来到中国表示欢迎与问候,向他介绍了学校2023年学科专业建设、科学研究及人才培养方面取得的成绩,并就2024年第三届国际传播人才培养高端论坛筹备工作做了简单介绍并表示欢迎。
James Trapp 对袁小陆一行的来访表示感谢。他就此次受邀北京电视台《认识你真好》节目录制准备情况做了简单介绍,也分享了他一年来翻译贾平凹长篇小说《古炉》的经历。他表达了对即将举行的“第三届国际传播人才培养高端论坛”的真诚祝福,愿意为西安翻译学院翻译人才的培养做出积极的贡献,也会通过自己的翻译作品让世界了解真实的中国。
最后,袁小陆教授向James Trapp 赠送了礼物。
James Trapp 简介:
He graduated from SOAS, University of London, with an Honors degree in Chinese with special papers in pre-Han archaeology and early Buddhist sculpture. He trained as a primary school teacher. He spent several years running after-school Mandarin clubs for a variety of schools at primary and secondary level and, in cooperation with Bamboo Learning, co-authored detailed schemes of work for Primary Mandarin for the DCSF. He spent seven years as the China Education Manager at the British Museum and went on to run a 5-year project at the UCL IOE Confucius Institute for Schools, developing Primary Mandarin. He now works as a free-lance literary translator, mainly translating prize-winning contemporary Chinese novels but he has also produced new translations of three of the Chinese classics: The Art of War《孙子兵法》, The Dao De Jing《道德经》and selections from The Book of Songs《诗经》. He is also co-translator with five others of The Communist Party of China: A Concise History《中国共产党简史》.